Ajax Conservative EDA
What is an EDA?
EDA is an abbreviation of Electoral District Association. EDAs are the official riding association bodies of each federal political party, representing all 338 Canadian electoral districts. Ajax is a federal electoral district (or riding) which mirrors the municipal boundaries of the Town of Ajax. For your information, the legal name of our local EDA is the Ajax Conservative Association.
What is the primary purpose of the EDA?
To ensure that the Conservative Party candidate for Ajax is fully supported in every election campaign. To fulfill our purpose, the greatest needs are more volunteers and more monetary donations.
Who is a member of the Ajax EDA?
The EDA is made up of all members in good standing of the Conservative Party of Canada who reside in Ajax. When you purchase a membership you automatically become an EDA member.
Who administers the Ajax EDA and this website?
Administration of the EDA is entirely volunteer-driven. The Board of Directors coordinate the routine activities, communications, local fundraising, and website on behalf of the EDA. The Board is comprised of up to 30 members who are elected annually at our Annual General Meeting. Seven members of the Board are also elected to assume specific EDA roles and they form the Executive Committee. The Board and Executive Committee meet at regular intervals and for special purposes throughout the year.
The 2024/2025 Board and Executive Officers are as follows:
President - David Saunders
Vice President - Adrian Lambert
Financial Agent - Sameer Lal
Secretary - Linda Robbins
Exec. Director - Kandy Samsundar
Exec. Director - Vikas Gupta
Exec. Director - Toyin Crandell
Director - Rhonda Anderson
Director - Asad Asaduzzaman
Director - Sameer Awan
Director - Mamadou Bah
Director - Vasu Bhardwaj
Director - Abhishek Choubey
Director - Nikolas Clark
Director - Ginny Densham
Director - Jim Docherty
Director - Marsha Jones Dooley
Director - Janet Ecker
Director - Paul Egli
Director - Savona Gangadeen
Director - Ranjit Jha
Director - Deepti Jolly
Director - Sadhna Lal
Director - Maria Takacs Lambert
Director - Irv Murphy
Director - Lorie Murphy
Director - Bill Pinder
Director - Prashant Srivastava
Director - Jay Sidor
Director - Bozena Stobinska

To ensure that the Conservative Party candidate for Ajax is fully supported in every election campaign.

EDA President – David Saunders
Greetings and on behalf of our board of directors, welcome to the Ajax Conservative EDA website. I am honoured and take great pride in being the president of the Ajax Conservative Association. It continues to be a great source of satisfaction to meet and interact with so many like-minded individuals who are determined to send an Ajax Conservative representative to Parliament. I encourage you to browse around the site and see how you can participate and make a difference. Join the Conservative Party (for the very nominal annual fee of $15), renew your membership, volunteer during campaigns, plant a Conservative lawn sign on your property, join a committee, come to events, follow us on social media, or contact us with a suggestion or question, it's important to get involved and make a difference for your family and community.